What is scaling?

What is scaling?

Scaling: The dentist will then use a scaler, a small hook-shaped instrument, which will allow them to scrape off all of the plaque within the periodontal pocket of your gums. It will reach deep into the pocket and remove the plaque, far deeper than brushing. Book your appointment with me.

Dr. Banić



Water is not only essential for overall wellbeing, it is also vital for great oral health. Water acts as a natural cleaner and has the power to wash away bacteria and residue left on the teeth after eating, so be sure to drink a glass of water after every meal.

Dr. Banić

New Waterpik

Hello my beautiful friends. This water pick machine is really good. I like it. Highly recommend to use it daily☘️☘️💐☘️☘️☘️.


Before and after dental hygiene treatment . Is very important to maintain healthy gums. There is only a step in between gingivitis and periodontitis.

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that focuses on the health of your gums and jawbone — the tissues that support your teeth. A gum specialist is called a periodontist. After going to a four-year dental school, they receive three additional years of focused training in periodontics.

Dr. Banić


My patients when they try to floss for the first time 🙈🙈zero flossing or different jaw positioning 🙄🙄.


Many see smiling simply as an involuntary response to things that bring you joy or inspire laughter. While this is certainly true, it overlooks an important point: Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice.What does psychology have to say about smiling? Whether your smile is genuine or not, it can act on your body and mind in a variety of positive ways, offering benefits for your health, your mood, and even the moods of people around you.

Dr. Banić