
How many roots does an incisor have (upper or lower)? – One.

How many roots does a canine have (upper or lower)? – One.

How many roots does an upper premolar have? – One or two.

How many roots does a lower premolar have? – One.

How many roots does an upper molar have? – Three.

How many roots does a lower molar have? – Two.

Dr. Banić

Pollen food syndrome

What is pollen food syndrome? Pollen food syndrome, commonly referred to as oral allergy syndrome, is a hypersensitivity reaction to fruits, vegetables and nuts (often referred to as plant based foods) usually causing mild irritant symptoms such as itching of the mouth, lips and throat itching when eaten in their raw form.

Dr. Banić

Right brushing technique

Good afternoon. Lots of people are having sensitive teeth specially in winter. I recommend gentle brushing using the m right brushing technique, soft bristles toothbrush and regenerate tooth paste is a bit pricey but effective.

Dr. Banić

The Hall Technique

The Hall Technique formed metal crowns, also known as stainless steel crowns, over them without local anaesthesia, caries removal or tooth preparation of any kind. Clinical trials have shown the technique to be effective, and acceptable to the majority of children, their parents and clinicians.

Dr. Banić