Happy Monday

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Happy Monday my lovelies 🌸💗🌸💗💗.

Fordyce spots

Fordyce spots are enlarged oil glands without a hair follicle. They’re a normal part of your skin and are commonly found on the inside of your cheeks, the edges of your lips, and on your foreskin. While Fordyce spots may seem like something to be concerned about, they’re fairly harmless.

Dr. Banić

Palette of the whitest tooth shades

Among the three shades that are part of the palette of the whitest tooth shades, the B1 tooth shade and A1 tooth shade are considered the two whitest shades. However, neither of those two shades are “too white” because they are considered natural white shades.

Dr. Banić

Teeth shades

Teeth with a natural yellow shade will generally whiten in about 1–2 weeks, whereas teeth with a blue/grey shade can take twice as long.

Dr. Banić

Ice cream

A bite of ice cream. A sip of an ice-cold soda. If you have sensitive teeth, these everyday cold foods and drinks can unexpectedly trigger a jolt of pain fast.

That’s because, over time, your protective layer of tooth enamel can wear down, exposing the soft, inner part of your tooth called dentine. Certain triggers—including cold foods, drinks, or even a burst of air—can cause a short, sharp pain, also known as tooth sensitivity. Use a tooth paste indicated for sensitivity… a higher the concentration of fluoride is better.

Dr. Banić

Teeth whitening?

What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to make them lighter. It can’t make your teeth brilliant white, but it can lighten the existing colour by several shades.

Dr. Banić

Periodontal probe

A periodontal probe is an instrument in dentistry commonly used in the dental armamentarium. It is usually long, thin, and blunted at the end. The primary purpose of a periodontal probe is to measure pocket depths around a tooth in order to establish the state of health of the periodontium. There are markings inscribed onto the head of the instrument for accuracy and readability.

Dr. Banić